Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ohh This Waiting...

Ohh this waiting…
bringing bitterness to the hollow heart..
Cursing today for not prospering….
Regretting the times passed by...
Blaming others for the miserable boredom...
Waiting for the dawn to bring the light to life..

Ohh this waiting….
Happiness submerging in a sea of emotions…
Never to surface and see the light of joy…
As the soul gradually surrenders,
To the thick darkness of void….
Running restless in the rat race to no where..

Ohh this waiting…
Unaware how to make peace with life…
Never letting the heart seizing the day...
Content, wise, bold souls disappear…
Darkness creeping in to the minds...
Giving birth to zombies of sheer fear…

Ohh this waiting…
Never ending unhappiness….
Destroying the mare value of living…
Ohh this waiting…
Unless rationally stopped…
Will ruin all souls  for eternity...

1 comment:

  1. good post,lets stand aginst those who tarnish buddism , make a comment
    බුදුදහමට නිගා කරන අයට නිසි පිළිතුරු ලබා දෙමු , ඔබේ අදහස් මෙහි පල කරන්න
